Nutcracker in China 2022 - Program Details
New Century Dance School invites you to support the dance arts!
New Century Dance School of Mountain View and Sunnyvale, California will celebrate its Eighteenth Year Anniversary with three performances at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts
Nutcracker in China – Friday, December 30, 2022, @ 7pm
Nutcracker in China – Saturday, December 31, 2022, @ 7pm
18-Year Anniversary New Year Gala – Sunday, January 1, 2023, @ 3pm
Nutcracker in China is an original Chinese Dance Drama (Chinese Ballet) that tells a story of a group of students who visit a museum, with exhibits encompassing 5,000 years of China’s history and culture. In the year of the Tiger, a class visits a museum exhibit of the Yellow River, the “Cradle of Chinese Civilization,” and become immersed in the story of the mighty river and its rich and significant history of humankind’s struggles and triumphs along its course through time and civilization. Combining Ballet and Chinese Classical Dance into a unique and dazzling spectacle, the production is an original interpretation of the classic and incorporates elements of traditional Chinese culture and Classical Ballet. The two performances at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts of Nutcracker in China will be on December 30, 2022 at 7:00 pm and December 31, 2016 at 7:00 pm. New Century Dance founder, Fenhua Lu, presented the original Nutcracker in China at this venue in January 2009 and her school has presented new performances of Nutcracker in China in 2011, 2016, and 2017.
First Half
黃河九天上,人⻤瞰重関。祭蒼天,求甘露,萬物得孕育. 揮汗水,勤耕作,喜迎豐收日。黃河 水,滔滔不盡。岸邊人,生生不息。
Chapter 1: The Yellow River (Worship, Cultivate, Breed, and Harvest)
The rapids of the Yellow River wind their way down from the sky - daunting yet spectacular. By the riverbank, the locals pray to God, pleading for precious rain that fosters and nurtures all lives. Generation after generation, through toil and sweat in the field, folks welcome their harvests and gather to celebrate the season.
The Museum Tour - The Girl, Museum Kids
Yellow River 祭 - Yellow River Villagers
Yellow River 耕 - Yellow River Villagers
Yellow River 孕 - Yellow River Villagers
Yellow River 丰 - Yellow River Villagers
The Museum Tour Conclusion - The Girl, Museum Kids
The Girl - The Girl
The Chinese Zodiac - The Girl, Museum Kids
The Tiger - The Tiger, The Nutcracker
The Girl and the Nutcracker Part 1 - The Girl, The Nutcracker

Second Half
市井篇 (晨光曲/漁光曲)
Chapter 2: In the Neighborhood (Song of the Morning Light/Song of the Fishermen)
Through a stone arch, the morning light gleams over the awakening alley. Beautiful women in cheongsam chatter cheerfully in their own dialect, while others busily work around them. It's the ordinary lives that bestow upon the town lasting vitality and full prosperity.
Old Shanghai - The Girl, Shanghai Citizens
Morning Light - Shanghai Citizens
梅花凌寒獨自開,幽蘭深谷空自守,林深竹枝弄清影,滿園花菊傲霜枝。翩翩花中四君子,澹泊 其中品自高。
Chapter 3: Commitment (Plum Blossom, Orchid, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemum)
In Chinese culture plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo, and chrysanthemums are four noble plants with exceptional characteristics. Plum blossoms bloom in chilly winter, symbolizing a spirit of fearlessness and perseverance. Orchids rising in lonely valleys represent elegance and a pure heart. Bamboo trees swaying deep within forests signify courage and a humble mind, and chrysanthemums blooming in snow portray bravery and pride.
The Girl and the Nutcracker Part 2 - The Girl, The Nutcracker
Plum Blossom 梅 - Plum Blossom 梅, Four Noble Plants Dancers
The Girl and the Nutcracker Part 3 - The Girl, The Nutcracker
Orchid 兰 - Orchid 兰, Four Noble Plants Dancers
The Girl and the Nutcracker Part 4 - The Girl, The Nutcracker
Bamboo 竹 - Bamboo 竹, Four Noble Plants Dancers
Chrysanthemum 菊 - Chrysanthemum 菊, Four Noble Plants Dancers
一條大河波浪寬,風吹稻花香兩岸。在這片溫暖的土地上,到處都有⻘春的力量,這就是我生⻑ 的地方。在這片古老的土地上,到處都有和平的陽光,這就是我美麗的家園。
Chapter 4: Home Sweet Home (The Yangtze River)
The currents of the Yangtze River swept past. Along the shore, the wind carries the fragrance of rice and flowers miles away. On this loving land where I grew up, you see the power of youth; On this long- standing land where my beautiful home rests, we embrace peace and sunshine.
The Girl and the Nutcracker Part 5 - The Girl, The Nutcracker
A Mighty River - All Dancers
Finale - All Dancers